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High-Quality Construction Services in South Kingstown, RI

FYG Construction is dedicated to providing top-tier construction services for South Kingstown, RI residential and commercial property owners. We pride ourselves on exceeding your expectations. We do so by understanding each project is unique and requires attention to detail. We also know you deserve personalized service, and we work hard to customize our expertise and offerings to suit your needs. With a wealth of industry experience under their belts, our team members are prepared to follow through on our promise of honest and outstanding construction services. Call our team for roofing, siding, gutters, and excavation today.

red roof

Versatility Is Our Greatest Strength

Our team has the diverse talents required to offer our customers an impressive range of services. We can handle residential properties of all sizes and have worked on small and massive commercial buildings. You can trust our team for the following services:

  • Residential Roofing: We offer a range of roofing materials, including asphalt, metal, tile, slate, cedar shake, and composite shingles. We use high-quality GAF products.
  • Commercial Roofing: Our team knows how to work on commercial roofs, including flat roofs with materials like EPDM, TPO, and modified bitumen.
  • Siding and Gutters: Take care of your building, and it will take care of you. New siding and gutters will make a noticeable difference.
  • Excavation: We can handle excavation for residential and commercial property owners. Get your project started on the right foot.
  • Framing: Introducing FYG FRAMING– your premier partner in framing excellence.

Integrity, Honesty, and Innovation: Our Core Values

We have gotten to where we are due to our commitment to our core values, each resulting in consistent customer satisfaction. We are committed to quality, integrity, and innovation and utilize collaboration and respect to succeed. Our team is proud of their work and works hard to ensure they exceed our standards – and your expectations – every time they swing a hammer, use a backhoe, or install new siding. That’s the FYG Construction difference.

Get a Free Estimate Today!