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Excavation Services for South Kingstown, RI Property Owners

FYG Construction provides excavation services to South Kingstown, RI customers. Excavation is an essential part of any residential or commercial construction project. It involves digging and removing earth materials, such as soil and rock, to create space for foundations, septic systems, driveways, or coastline restoration. These natural materials often need to be removed before construction can proceed, and the depth and scale of excavation can vary depending on the project’s specific needs. We have the experience needed to adjust to your expectations and the scope of your project.


What to Expect From Our Excavation Experts

We are proud of our ability to handle everything our residential and commercial customers need. We can handle any of the following excavation services:

  • Foundations: Excavation is crucial for a solid foundation for any building. We dig deep trenches and remove unstable materials to create a stable base.
  • Septic Systems: Excavation is necessary for installing septic systems. The excavation process creates space for the septic tank and drain field and ensures a successful project.
  • New Driveways: Excavation is often required when installing a new driveway or extending an existing one. We remove existing materials, grade the area, and more.
  • Erosion Repair: In areas prone to erosion, excavation can restore damaged coastlines or prevent further erosion. We use trenches and retaining walls in this situation.
  • Coastline Restoration: Excavation is crucial in restoring damaged coastlines caused by storms, erosion, or human activities.

Why Skilled Excavation Matters

We believe South Kingstown, with its stunning coastal views and white sandy beaches, is as beautiful as you think. But it is an environmentally-sensitive area with potential coastal erosion issues. We have the experience required to excavate responsibly, and our services can play a crucial role in promoting a healthier coastline. We pledge to make informed decisions every time we begin a project to ensure the sustainability and durability of your new driveway, septic system, or foundation.

Get a Free Estimate Today!